08-05-15 Bird Field Note

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08-05-15 Bird Field Note

August 5, 2015

Eric Rasmussen shares observations from ongoing hummingbird research, bird banding with the UM Bird Ecology Lab, and a view into the variety of life using a seep.

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A Rufous Hummingbird takes a break from drinking nectar.

Hummingbird visits tripled over the last three weeks. Fledglings and early migrants have voracious appetites.

appetites. A Calliope scratches and preens while waiting for a turn at the feeders.

UM Bird Ecology Lab: Songbird Banding: July 14th

This molting male American Redstart was born in 2014. They do not develop their characteristic black and orange appearance until their second fall.

Our first hatch-year Cedar Waxwing of 2015.

A Colombian Ground Squirrel drinks from a seep behind Baldy Mountain. The following slides show the host of creatures this important water source attracted within a ten-minute window.

When the ground squirrel leaves a Red Squirrel quickly runs in for a quick drink (above). An adult Chipping Sparrow finds a tiny pool of water to bathe in (below).

below). Numerous Woodland Skippers perch on damp rocks all over the seep.

The edge of the seep is alive with a flurry of butterflies and moths.

moths. A butterfly species of “blue” slowly opens and closes its wings.

It’s no surprise that all the flying insects soon attract a Dusky Flycatcher to the seep.

seep. A Swainson’s Thrush flushes from a nest as I turn to leave.

Previous Field Note

07-28-15 Bird Field Note