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The Avian Science Center started fall banding Friday, August 17th. They are monitoring a third station this year. The newest location is a high elevation site below the raptor migration ridge near Baldy Mountain. The first day was very productive! They banded thirty-three birds of ten different species. Highlights included Wilson’s warbler, MacGillivray’s warbler, and ten mountain chickadees.

Researchers will also use last year’s banding stations again. One is in the floodplain, and the other is a mid-elevation site in a draw of the Baldy foothills. Banding will occur three days a week at two of the three sites per day. We look forward to data comparisons from the three locations.

Fall migration is happening, more updates soon!

ASC fall banding is happening!

About the Author

Eric Rasmussen

Eric received a B.S. in Resource Conservation from the University of Montana in 2000, and soon after volunteered for his first bird research job in the arctic tundra of Alaska. Afterwards he worked for nine years, mostly in western Montana, on bird-related research projects for the U.S. Forest Service.

In 2010, Eric was hired by MPG Ranch as the Bird Research Technician and now conducts breeding bird surveys, raptor migration surveys, and winter bird surveys, as well as participating in other ranch projects such as owl and raptor banding and community field trips. In his free time, Eric enjoys searching for wild mushrooms, playing ultimate Frisbee, and backcountry skiing.