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Three hearty volunteers removed fence from deep within MPG Ranch on Friday, April 26th. One of the volunteers was Caitlyn, MPG’s new WOOFer. To learn about what a WOOF’er is Click Here. While she stays at MPG she will work on various projects on the ranch.  We targeted an area near the road juncture that  marks the dividing line between the front and the backside of the ranch. The densely forested, remote area sees high traffic from elk and wild horses. The myriad of paths worn parallel to fence lines speak to the effect that fences have on wildlife. Clearing fences removes wildlife travel barriers and allows animals to roam freely.

Three hearty volunteers removed fence from deep within MPG Ranch on Friday, April 26th. One of the volunteers was Caitlyn, MPG’s new WOOFer. To learn about what a WOOF’er is Click Here. While she stays at MPG she will work on various projects on the ranch.

We targeted an area near the road juncture that marks the dividing line between the front and backside of the ranch. The densely forested, remote area sees high traffic from elk and wild horses. The myriad of paths worn parallel to fence lines speak to the effect that fences have on wildlife. Clearing fences removes wildlife travel barriers and allows animals to roam freely.

A volunteer removes a metal t-posts that are a component of many ranch fences.

A volunteer removes a metal t-posts that are a component of many ranch fences.

Caitlyn pulls staples.

Caitlyn pulls staples.

A volunteer lugs a coil of wire to the truck.

A volunteer lugs a coil of wire to the truck.

volunteers  removed a total of .39 miles of fence. The day’s haul can be seen in the photo above.

Volunteers removed a total of .39 miles of fence. The day’s haul can be seen in the photo above.

The blue line indicates the fence line removed. The view is facing south-west.

The blue line indicates the fence line removed. The view is facing south-west.

About the Author

Joshua Lisbon

Joshua graduated from the University of Montana, Missoula, in 2009 with an M.A. in Intercultural Youth and Family Development. Joshua has designed and implemented wilderness and experiential-based education programs for various agencies since 2001. He has worked in Missoula since 2005 predominately with disadvantaged populations providing challenging and empowering programming for youth and adults alike.At MPG, Joshua works to coordinate with local agencies and school districts as well as the university to connect students and members of the community to MPG’s work. He also recruits and mobilizes volunteers to accomplish various projects for the ranch. In his free time, Joshua enjoys exploring Montana’s wild places. As an avid outdoorsman, he enjoys any pursuit that keeps him connected to the natural world.