01-08-11 Forestry Field Note, Jack-leg Fences

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01-08-11 Forestry Field Note, Jack-leg Fences

August 3, 2011

Forestry Field Note, Jack-leg Fences

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Buck-and-rail exclosure

Building buck-and-rail ungulate exclosures

Thinning the stand

Limbing a dead ponderosa pine

Hauling the material

Shaping the posts

Making the bucks, or jack-legs

Construction of the fence

View from the worksite

Narrowing the diameter of a log

Enclosed chokecherries!

Fortifying the exclosure

Proposed monitoring of chokecherries

Removing mistletoe from Douglas-fir

Bettle-killed ponderosas are chipped to prevent another infestation in the spring

Thinning a stand to reduce standing fuels