02-26-15 Field Note

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02-26-15 Field Note

February 26, 2015

Rebecca Durham's field note details sprouting leaves, rosettes, and lichens.

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MPG Field Note Rosettes, lichens, and new green February 25, 2015 Rebecca Durham

Purple tinged leaves sprout from silverleaf phacelia (Phacelia hastata).

Biscuitroot leaves appear. This edible plant tastes of strong celery (Lomatium cous).

This two-inch bitterbrush shows leaves hairier than adults’ (Purshia tridentata).

Rosettes rise through detritus of last year’s leaves.

Last year’s bluebunch culms contrast with a sunrise sky (Pseudoroegneria spicata).

On the north-facing slopes above Woodchuck Creek, this lichen makes up a conspicuous portion of the biocrust. Common names for it include cowpie lichen and crater lichen. Below, decayed elk scat intersperses and blends with the crust clumps (Diploschistes muscorum).

Despite warm spells, long shadows near noon still mark the season.

Close inspection of biocrust reveals miniscule snow fleas catapulting from ice needles.

Stonecrop rosettes provide a succulent spring treat (Sedum lanceolatum).


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