06-14-12 Golden Eagle Nest, New Owls, Blue Racer Snake

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06-14-12 Golden Eagle Nest, New Owls, Blue Racer Snake

June 15, 2012

Eric Rasmussen details exciting nest discoveries.

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06-14-12 Bird Field Note, Long-eared owl fledglings.

Short-eared owl sighted.

Burrowing owl spotted.

Flammulated owl detected.

Golden eagle nest found on northern property line.

Golden eagle nest location views.

Blue racer snakes meet south of Baldy draw.

Blue racer snakes get face to face.

A dusky grouse chooses woodchuck creek for its nest.

A dusky grouse distracts intruders from her nest.

A black bear passes by a junco nest.

A bears scares a ground squirrel.

Second visits to each point count location begin this week.