07-27-12 Bird Field Note

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07-27-12 Bird Field Note

July 28, 2012

Debbie Leick's field note details nesting flickers, sapsuckers, and kestrels.

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07-27-12 Bird Field Note

Bird surveys commence at MPG North.

A red-naped sapsucker brings food to it's nesting cavity.

A white bog orchid grows along Cooney Creek.

A tree swallow poke out of a nesting box.

A marshy pond provides habitat.

A young northern flicker waits for food.

Three young American kestrels leave the nest.

A young kestrel takes her first flight.

A young kestrel male takes his first flight.

Five kestrel chicks wait for food.

Stink bugs and wax currants are found on the ranch.

Mountain parnassian buterfly.