10-19-12 Field Note, By Alan Ramsey

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10-19-12 Field Note, By Alan Ramsey

October 29, 2012

Alan Ramsey shares images and insights into bobcats, mountain lions, moose, bears, elk, and more from Davis Creek.

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Davis Creek Field Note 9-14 to 10-19, 2012

Bobcats kittens and their mother traversed Davis Creek middle fork to its south fork.

Mature female bobcats produce one litter a year in the spring.

A lioness and three kittens were detected on four days at three locations.

Mountain lions breed year round.

Injured deer may have escapes mountain lion attacks.

A bull moose was recorded at three locations on davis creek.

Black bear has a distinguishable rumple.

Additional photos of Black bear with rumple.

Distinguishable and unidentified bears from Davis creek.

Horse Herd 2 entered the ranch September 13th

On Sept 15th Horse Herd 2 moved from Davis Creek to Spike Camp ridge.

Horses move up in elevaton to feed on newly emergent vegetaton and to avoid insects.

A family of pileated woodpeckers take a dip.

Bull elk and coyoes trigger cameras.
