12-11-13 Bird Field Note

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12-11-13 Bird Field Note

December 11, 2013

Eric Rasmussen and William Blake share the details of a new long eared owl nest survey.

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We spotted a Northern pygmy-owl less than fifty meters from a roosting long-eared owl.

The long-eared owl became tall and thin as we approached.

approached. We installed six platforms and six baskets for a long-eared owl nest study. We chose three locations around historical nests at the lower coniferous portions of Baldy Draw, Rock Quarry, and Tongue Creek.

Long-eared Owl Platform and Basket Nest Study

Each study area has four artificial nests (Baldy Draw).

fir. Time and the elements destroyed the Rock Quarry squirrel nest used by long-eared owls. We installed the artificial nests below the quarry.

We placed live boughs, dead twigs, and wood shavings in each nest.

nest. We chose heights between 10-20 feet and used wire to secure a platform to the trunk. A branch under the artificial nest adds support. Drilled holes on the base provide drainage. Wooden edges hold nests in place.

place. The isolated stand of young Doug-fir in Tongue Creek provides reliable habitat for roosting owls. Long-eared owls used two different nests in this area in recent years.

Dense cover of a Douglas-fir provides protection from avian predators.

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