12-21-13 Field Note

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12-21-13 Field Note

December 20, 2013

Rebecca Durham's Solstice Field Note explores the landscape on the shortest day of the year.

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Solstice Riverwalk Field Note December 2013 Rebecca Durham

Temperature and humidity determine ice geometry.

Like water, ice absorbs red and yellow colors, reflecting a blue hue. Light scattering upon snow encourages more absorption and a richer blue.

Eleven geese veer above the river.

Sunlight smoothes sculpted edges.

Deciduous trees sweep the river with their reflection.

yin and yang

Withered but held, marcescent leaves rustle in the December breeze.

Ice shelves lift, exposing a microcosm of frozen soil and water.

beaver gnawed tree

Warmer temperatures seed stalactites.

ice crack