Sandhill cranes, fires, long-tailed weasel, mountain lion, and seed collection

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Sandhill cranes, fires, long-tailed weasel, mountain lion, and seed collection

September 3, 2024

Sandhill Crane Observations:

Nest Building: On May 13th, a pair of sandhill cranes was observed on a floating island constructed eight years ago. They spent two weeks piling aquatic vegetation, mud, and bits of plastic to fortify the island, but then disappeared. It is suspected that they were practicing nest-building for the following year.

Foraging: Two months later, a pair of cranes was seen foraging in the freshly cut hay field in the North Center Pivot.

Vegetation Management:

Cheatgrass Control: The field crew actively cuts cheatgrass seedheads before they mature, an ongoing and often overwhelming task aimed at preventing the invasive species from spreading further.

Wildlife Encounters:

Lodgepole Pine Dwarf Mistletoe: This parasitic plant was noted for its ability to shoot sticky seeds over 50 feet, targeting new trees to exploit.

Great Horned Owl: A great horned owl was seen resting after successfully raising two chicks in Lower Woodchuck Draw.

Long-tailed Weasels: These creatures have been frequently sighted this year, thriving in the improved habitats. Their presence is a positive sign of the success of the habitat restoration efforts.

Mountain Lion Sighting: A juvenile mountain lion was spotted at MPG North, calmly walking by and continuing on its way.

Fire Incidents:

Miller Peak Fire: This fire began just east of the ranch on July 14th, eventually burning 2,724 acres and being 86% contained as of August 2024.

Orchard House Fire: On August 10th, lightning ignited a 17.1-acre fire west of the Orchard House. Although some irrigation lines and wooden fences were destroyed, the fire’s rapid movement through highly flammable cheatgrass presents an opportunity for restoration. The site will be monitored and likely reseeded with native grass to outcompete the cheatgrass.

Seed Collection:

Antelope Bitterbrush: The field crew gathered seeds from Antelope bitterbrush, which produced a robust crop this year. These seeds will be used in restoration plantings next year.

CLICK HERE TO VIEW FULL PDF: 2024-08-12_JC_sandhill_cranes_fires_long_tailed_weasel_seed_collection_field_noteCC.pdf