Spring Raptor Survey's Come to an End

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Spring Raptor Survey's Come to an End

May 21, 2012

Eric Rasmussen shares totals from the spring raptor survey.

We had an impressive season for raptor migration! The total for spring, 2012, is 2617. Compared to last year we surpassed our record for all species, except the golden eagle. We look forward to sharing our data with HMANA (Hawk Migration Association of North America). We will have a link to their website this fall.

Swainson Hawks continue to migrate.

Swainson’s hawks continued migration through the end of surveys. Recently, I saw two that were not migrating. We’ll keep an eye out for resident Swainson’s hawks this summer.

Thank you to: William Blake, John Csoka, Kate Stone, Adam Shreading, Kris Guymon, and Raptor View Research for a great season. Eyes to the skies!

2012 Spring Raptor Survey Totals

2011 Raptor Survey Totals

2010 Spring Raptor Survey Totals

Previous Research Update

Raptor Survey Update