Block title

Ylva Lekberg 1,2,* , Morgan McLeod 1,3, Lorinda S. Bullington 1,2 , Mary Ellyn DuPre 1 , Gabriela De La Roca 4, Shawn Greenbaum 4, Johannes Rousk 5 and Philip W. Ramsey 1  (2024).  Substantial and Rapid Increase in Soil Health across Crops with Conversion from Conventional to Regenerative Practices.  Sustainability  10.3390/su16135509.
Published Paper

Matthew A. Bowker, Kyle D. Doherty, Anita J. Antoninka, Philip W. Ramsey, Mary Ellyn DuPre and Rebecca A. Durham  (2022).  Biocrusts Influence Vascular Plant Community Development, Promoting Native Plant Dominance.  Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution  10.3389.
Published Paper

Marirose P. Kuhlman, Skyler Burrows, Daniel L. Mummey, Philip W. Ramsey, Philip G. Hahn  (2021).  Relative bee abundance varies by collection method and flowering richness: Implications for understanding patterns in bee community data.  Ecological Solutions and Evidence  2, e12071.
Published Paper

Robert Domenech, Adam Shreading, Philip Ramsey, Michael McTee  (2020).  Widespread Lead Exposure in Golden Eagles Captured in Montana.  The Journal of Wildlife Management
Published Paper

Kyle D. Doherty, Henry S. Grover, Matthew A. Bowker, Rebecca A. Durham, Anita J. Antoninka, Philip W. Ramsey,  (2020).  Producing moss-colonized burlap fabric in a fog chamber for restoration of biocrust.  Ecological Engineering  Volume 158,
Published Paper

Melissa J Reynolds-Hogland, Alan B Ramsey, August T Seward, Kristine L Pilgrim, Cory Engkjer, Philip W Ramsey  (2020).  Response of a remnant marmot population to habitat enhancement yields insights into marmot ecology.  Journal of Mammalogy  Volume 101, Issue 3, 22 May 2020, Pages 658–669,
Published Paper

McTee, M., Hiller, B., & Ramsey, P.   (2019).  Free lunch, may contain lead: scavenging shot small mammals. .  The Journal of Wildlife Management  83(6), 1-8. .
Published Paper

Doherty, K., Bowker, M. A., Durham, R. A., Antoninka, A., Ramsey, P., & Mummey, D.   (2019).  Adapting mechanized vascular plant seed dispersal technologies to biocrust moss restoration. .  Restoration Ecology  1-7.
Published Paper

McTee, M., Bullington, L., Rillig, M. C., & Ramsey, P. W.   (2019).  Do soil bacterial communities respond differently to abrupt or gradual additions of copper? .  FEMS Microbiology Ecology  95(1), fiy212.
Published Paper

Ramsey, A. B., Sawaya, M. A., Bullington, L. S., & Ramsey, P. W.   (2019).  Individual identification via remote video verified by DNA analysis: a case study of the American black bear. .  Wildlife Research  46(4), 326-333.
Published Paper

Mummey, D. L., Stoffel, L., & Ramsey, P. W.   (2018).  Preestablished Plant Influences on Antelope Bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata Pursh) Seedling Recruitment and Growth: Analysis of Species and Positional Effects.  Natural Areas Journal  38(1), 44-54.
Published Paper

Durham, R. A., Doherty, K. D., Antoninka, A. J., Ramsey, P. W., & Bowker, M. A.   (2018).  Insolation and disturbance history drive biocrust biodiversity in Western Montana rangelands. .  Plant and Soil  430(1-2), 151-169.
Published Paper

Stone, D.W., McTee, M.R., McIver, L., Ramsey, P.W.   (2018).  Height Growth of Planted Shrubs and Trees in a Semiarid Rangeland in Western Montana.  Tree Planters Notes  61(1), 12-17. .
Published Paper

McTee, M. R., Lekberg, Y., Mummey, D., Rummel, A., & Ramsey, P. W.  (2017).  Do invasive plants structure microbial communities to accelerate decomposition in intermountain grasslands?  Ecology and Evolution   7(24), 11227-11235. doi: 10.1002/ece3.3608.
Published Paper

McTee, M., Young, M., Umansky, A., & Ramsey, P.  (2017).  Better bullets to shoot small mammals without poisoning scavengers.  Wildlife Society Bulletin  41(5), 736- 742.
Published Paper

Lekberg, Y., Wagner, V., Rummel, A., McLeod, M., & Ramsey, P. W.   (2017).  Strong indirect herbicide effects on mycorrhizal associations through plant community shfts and secondary invasions.  Ecological Applications  27(8), 2359-2368.
Published Paper

Durham, R. A., Mummey, D. L., Shreading, L., & Ramsey, P. W.  (2017).  Phenological patterns differ between exotic and native plants: Field observations from the Sapphire Mountains, Montana.  Natural Areas Journal  37(3), 361-381.
Published Paper

McTee, M. R., Lekberg, Y., Bullington, L., Rummel, A., Mummey, D. L., Ramsey, P. W., & Hinman, N. W.  (2017).  Restoring ecological properties of acidic soils contaminated with elemental sulfur.  Science of The Total Environment  587-588, 449-456.
Published Paper

Mummey, D. L., & Ramsey, P. W.  (2017).  Can sainfoin improve conditions for establishment of native forbs in crested wheatgrass stands?  Ecological Restoration  35(2), 127-137. doi: 10.3368/er.35.2.127.
Published Paper

Sawaya, M. A., Ramsey, A. B., & Ramsey, P. W.  (2017).  American black bear thermoregulation at natural and artificial water sources.  Ursus   27(2), 129-135
Published Paper

Gibbons, S. M., Lekberg, Y., Mummey, D. L., Sangwan, N., Ramsey, P. W., & Gilbert, J. A.  (2017).  Invasive plants rapidly reshape soil properties in a grassland ecosystem.  mSystems  2:e00178-16 doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00178-16.
Published Paper

McTee, M. R., Mummey, D. L., Ramsey, P. W., & Hinman, N. W.   (2016).  Extreme soil acidity from biodegradable trap and skeet targets increases severity of pollution at shooting ranges.  Science of the Total Environment  539, 546-550. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.08.121..
Published Paper

Rillig, M. C., Ramsey, P. W., Morris, S. & Paul, E. A.  (2003).  Glomalin, an arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungal soil protein, responds to land-use change.  Plant and Soil  253, 293–299.
Published Paper

Feris, K. P., Ramsey, P.W., Frazar, C., Rillig, M.C., Gannon, J.E. & Holben, W.E.  (2003).  Structure and seasonal dynamics of hyporheic zone microbial communities in free-stone rivers of the western United States.  Microbial Ecology  46, 200–215.
Published Paper

Feris, K., Ramsey, P., Frazar, C., Moore, J.N., Gannon, J.E. & Holben, W.E.  (2003).  Differences in hyporheic-zone microbial community structure along a heavy-metal contamination gradient.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology  69, 5563–5573.
Published Paper

Harner, M. J., Ramsey, P. W. & Rillig, M. C.  (2004).  Protein accumulation and distribution in floodplain soils and river foam: Protein in floodplain soils and foam.  Ecology Letters  7, 829–836.
Published Paper

Feris, K. P., Ramsey, P.W., Rillig, M., Moore, J.N., Gannon, J.E. & Holben, W.E.  (2004).  Determining rates of change and evaluating group-level resiliency differences in hyporheic microbial communities in response to fluvial heavy-metal deposition.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology  70, 4756–4765.
Published Paper

Feris, K. P., Ramsey, P.W., Frazar, C., Rillig, M., Moore, J.N., Gannon, J.E. & Holben, W.E.  (2004).  Seasonal dynamics of shallow-hyporheic-zone microbial community structure along a heavy-metal contamination gradient.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology  70, 2323–2331.
Published Paper

Callaway, R. M., Thelen, G. C., Barth, S., Ramsey, P. W. & Gannon, J. E.  (2004).  Soil fungi alter interactions between the invader Centaurea maculosa and North American natives.  Ecology  85, 1062–1071.
Published Paper

Rillig, M. C., Lutgen, E. R., Ramsey, P. W., Klironomos, J. N. & Gannon, J. E.  (2005).  Microbiota accompanying different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal isolates influence soil aggregation.  Pedobiologia  49, 251–259.
Published Paper

Ramsey, P. W., Rillig, M. C., Feris, K. P., Moore, J. N. & Gannon, J. E.  (2005).  Mine waste contamination limits soil respiration rates: a case study using quantile regression. Soil Biology and Biochemistry.  Soil Biology and Biochemistry  37, 1177–1183.
Published Paper

Ramsey, P. W., Rillig, M.C., Feris, K.P., Gordon, N.S., Moore, J.N., Holben, W.E. & Gannon, J.E.  (2005).  Relationship between communities and processes; new insights from a field study of a contaminated ecosystem: Contaminated systems; communities, processes.  Ecology Letters  8, 1201–1210.
Published Paper

Gundale, M. J., DeLuca, T.H., Fiedler, C.E., Ramsey, P.W., Harrington, M.G. & Gannon, J.E.  (2005).  Restoration treatments in a Montana ponderosa pine forest: Effects on soil physical, chemical and biological properties.  Forest Ecology and Management  213, 25–38.
Published Paper

Rillig, M. C., Mummey, D. L., Ramsey, P. W., Klironomos, J. N. & Gannon, J. E.  (2006).  Phylogeny of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi predicts community composition of symbiosis-associated bacteria: AMF-associated bacterial communities.  FEMS Microbiology Ecology  57, 389–395.
Published Paper

Ramsey, P. W., Rillig, M. C., Feris, K. P., Holben, W. E. & Gannon, J. E.  (2006).  Choice of methods for soil microbial community analysis: PLFA maximizes power compared to CLPP and PCR-based approaches.  Pedobiologia  50, 275–280.
Published Paper

Rillig, M. C., Ramsey, P.W., Gannon, J.E., Mummey, D.L., Gadkar, V. & Kapulnik, Y.  (2008).  Suitability of mycorrhiza-defective mutant/wildtype plant pairs (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom) to address questions in mycorrhizal soil ecology.  Plant and Soil  308, 267–275.
Published Paper

Piotrowski, J. S., Lekberg, Y., Harner, M. J., Ramsey, P. W. & Rillig, M. C.  (2008).  Dynamics of mycorrhizae during development of riparian forests along an unregulated river.  Ecography  31, 245–253.
Published Paper

Gordon, N. S., Valenzuela, A., Adams, S.M., Ramsey, P.W., Pollock, J.L., Holben, W.E. & Gannon, J.E.  (2009).   Pedobacter nyackensis sp. nov., Pedobacter alluvionis sp. nov. and Pedobacter borealis sp. nov., isolated from Montana flood-plain sediment and forest soil.  International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology   59, 1720–1726.
Published Paper

Feris, K. P., Ramsey, P.W., Gibbons, S.M., Frazar, C., Rillig, M.C., Moore, J.N., Gannon, J.E. & Holben, W.E.  (2009).  Hyporheic microbial community development is a sensitive indicator of metal contamination.  Environmental Science & Technology  43, 6158–6163.
Published Paper

Mummey, D. L., Clarke, J.T., Cole, C.A., O’Connor, B.G., Gannon, J.E. & Ramsey, P.W.   (2010).  Spatial analysis reveals differences in soil microbial community interactions between adjacent coniferous forest and clearcut ecosystems.  Soil Biology and Biochemistry  42, 1138–1147.
Published Paper

Gibbons, S. M., Feris, K., McGuirl, M.A., Morales, S.E., Hynninen, A., Ramsey, P.W. & Gannon, J.E.  (2011).  Use of Microcalorimetry To Determine the Costs and Benefits to Pseudomonas putida Strain KT2440 of Harboring Cadmium Efflux Genes.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology  77, 108–113.
Published Paper

Ramsey, P. W., Gibbons, S.M., Rice, P., Mummey, D.L., Feris, K.P., Moore, J.N., Rillig, M.C. & Gannon, J.E.  (2012).  Relative strengths of relationships between plant, microbial, and environmental parameters in heavy-metal contaminated floodplain soil.  Pedobiologia  55, 15–23.
Published Paper

Larkin, B.G., Hunt, L. & Ramsey, P.W.  (2012).  Foliar nutrients shape fungal endophyte communities in western white pine (Pinus monticola) with implications for white-tailed deer herbivory.  Fungal Ecology  5, 252-260.
Published Paper

McTee, M. R. Gibbons, S.M., Feris, K., Gordon, N.S., Gannon, J.E. & Ramsey, P.W.  (2013).  Heavy metal tolerance genes alter cellular thermodynamics in Pseudomonas putida and river Pseudomonas spp. and influence amebal predation.  FEMS Microbiology Letters  doi:10.1111/1574-6968.12226.
Published Paper

Lekberg, Y., Gibbons, S. M., Rosendahl, S. & Ramsey, P. W.  (2013).  Severe plant invasions can increase mycorrhizal fungal abundance and diversity.  The ISME journal  7, 1424–1433.
Published Paper

Bunn, R. A., Lekberg, Y., Gallagher, C., Rosendahl, S. & Ramsey, P. W. (2014)  (2014).  Grassland invaders and their mycorrhizal symbionts: a study across climate and invasion gradients.  Ecology and Evolution   4, 794–805.
Published Paper

Bunn RA, Ramsey PW, Lekberg Y.   (2015).  Do native and invasive plants differ in their interactions with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi? A meta-analysis.  Journal of Ecology  doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12456.
Published Paper