Miller Creek: Restoration Progress

Block title

Miller Creek: Restoration Progress

September 3, 2024

Restoration Highlights:

Channel Restoration: Prior to the project, Miller Creek flowed rapidly through a simple, incised channel, which led to a lowered water table and drier floodplain conditions. The restoration efforts involved widening and deepening the channel, introducing pools and riffles, and raising the water table. These changes have promoted a wetter environment conducive to deciduous shrubs and trees.

Floodplain Enhancement: The project included excavating the floodplain to increase its connection with groundwater. This allowed for the reintroduction of water-loving plants such as sedges and willows. Conifer girdling will be undertaken to promote the growth of a deciduous forest.

Bank Stabilization: Conifer root balls were used to stabilize streambanks, and numerous woody dams were installed to slow the water flow. Over time, planted cottonwoods, aspens, and willows will further enhance bank stability.

Wetland Expansion: A key goal was to establish a larger wetland complex. The project has successfully backed up the creek with wood dams, allowing for wetland formation even in low runoff years. The wetland now supports sedges and common camas, and future plans include planting skunk cabbage.

Ecological Monitoring and Impact:

Temperature Monitoring: Five temperature loggers have been installed to track the project’s impact on water temperature. Initial observations suggest that the structural changes will likely result in cooler downstream temperatures due to increased groundwater recharge.

Avian Biodiversity: The bird species list includes 95 species identified between 2017 and 2024. The restoration is expected to attract additional species, particularly wetland-dependent birds like the Red-winged Blackbird.

Vegetation and Planting: A variety of trees, shrubs, and forbs have been planted, with a focus on species favored by beavers and those providing berries for wildlife. The planting efforts will continue over the next 3-5 years as the project area stabilizes.

Future Plans:

Continued Planting: Additional planting will occur annually, with adjustments based on which species thrive in the newly restored habitats.

Ongoing Monitoring: The impact of the restoration on water temperature, plant growth, and wildlife will be continually monitored to guide future management actions.

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FULL PDF: 2024-05-23 miller creek update.pdf