Block title
We seek to understand the distribution and abundance of mammals. Several monitoring projects are underway.
Elk- Elk numbers fluctuate through the year with herds of several hundred animals moving onto the ranch in the fall and winter. Fewer elk stay around to raise their calves in the spring and summer. We track herd size, the habitat they use for feeding, and the amount of biomass available to them for forage. We are curious about how elk habits will change in response to changes in vegetation communities as restoration activities proceed.
Bears- The lower elevation draws and drainages at MPG were de-vegetated by herbicide applications and sheep and cattle browsing. As of the summer 2012, we have planted more than 30,000 trees and shrubs in these drainages. The plantings will provide cover for animals using the draw bottoms as travel corridors between the upland forests and the floodplain forests. Many of the shrubs we have planted, such as hawthorns, choke cherries, and serviceberry, will provide food for bears. Our bear monitoring efforts seek to document how many bears we have now and where they travel.
Click here for a link to a list of mammals we have seen and photos.
Click here for links to our best mammal footage.
We would like to do more small mammal research. Please contact us with ideas for collaboration. (Click here to contact us.)
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Research Projects
- There are no available items that begin with these letters.
- There are no available items that begin with these letters.
- There are no available items that begin with these letters.
- There are no available items that begin with these letters.
- There are no available items that begin with these letters.
- There are no available items that begin with these letters.
- There are no available items that begin with these letters.
Block title
- alfalfa (3) Apply alfalfa filter
- American Badger (2) Apply American Badger filter
- American Beaver (7) Apply American Beaver filter
- American Bullfrog (1) Apply American Bullfrog filter
- American goldfinch (3) Apply American goldfinch filter
- American kestrel (7) Apply American kestrel filter
- American pipit (1) Apply American pipit filter
- American redstart (1) Apply American redstart filter
- American robin (6) Apply American robin filter
- American tree sparrow (1) Apply American tree sparrow filter
- American wigeon (1) Apply American wigeon filter
- antelope bitterbrush (9) Apply antelope bitterbrush filter
- arrowleaf balsamroot (4) Apply arrowleaf balsamroot filter
- Bald eagle (11) Apply Bald eagle filter
- Bark Beetles (1) Apply Bark Beetles filter
- basin wildrye (7) Apply basin wildrye filter
- bay forget-me-not (1) Apply bay forget-me-not filter
- Belted kingfisher (1) Apply Belted kingfisher filter
- Big Brown Bat (3) Apply Big Brown Bat filter
- big sagebrush (1) Apply big sagebrush filter
- big seed biscuitroot (1) Apply big seed biscuitroot filter
- bitterroot (3) Apply bitterroot filter
- Black Bear (12) Apply Black Bear filter
- Black-billed magpie (4) Apply Black-billed magpie filter
- Black-capped chickadee (2) Apply Black-capped chickadee filter
- black cottonwood (4) Apply black cottonwood filter
- black hawthorn (4) Apply black hawthorn filter
- Black-headed grosbeak (3) Apply Black-headed grosbeak filter
- blanket flower (2) Apply blanket flower filter
- blue elderberry (1) Apply blue elderberry filter
- blue-eyed grass (1) Apply blue-eyed grass filter
- blue gramma grass (1) Apply blue gramma grass filter
- bluebunch wheatgrass (1) Apply bluebunch wheatgrass filter
- bluegrass (1) Apply bluegrass filter
- Bobcat (3) Apply Bobcat filter
- Bohemian waxwing (2) Apply Bohemian waxwing filter
- Bonneville shootingstar (1) Apply Bonneville shootingstar filter
- Brewer's blackbird (3) Apply Brewer's blackbird filter
- broadleaf arnica (1) Apply broadleaf arnica filter
- Brown-headed cowbird (3) Apply Brown-headed cowbird filter
- Bufflehead (1) Apply Bufflehead filter
- bull thistle (1) Apply bull thistle filter
- Bullock's oriole (3) Apply Bullock's oriole filter
- Bullsnake (1) Apply Bullsnake filter
- California Myotis (1) Apply California Myotis filter
- Calliope hummingbird (3) Apply Calliope hummingbird filter
- canada bluegrass (1) Apply canada bluegrass filter
- canada goldenrod (1) Apply canada goldenrod filter
- Canada goose (5) Apply Canada goose filter
- Cedar waxwing (3) Apply Cedar waxwing filter
- cheatgrass (7) Apply cheatgrass filter
- Chipping sparrow (4) Apply Chipping sparrow filter
- chokecherry (8) Apply chokecherry filter
- Clark's nutcracker (4) Apply Clark's nutcracker filter
- Clay-colored sparrow (1) Apply Clay-colored sparrow filter
- coil-beaked lousewort (1) Apply coil-beaked lousewort filter
- (-) Remove Columbian Ground Squirrel filter Columbian Ground Squirrel
- common dandelion (1) Apply common dandelion filter
- Common merganser (1) Apply Common merganser filter
- common mullein (1) Apply common mullein filter
- Common nighthawk (2) Apply Common nighthawk filter
- Common poorwill (3) Apply Common poorwill filter
- common tansy (1) Apply common tansy filter
- Common yellowthroat (1) Apply Common yellowthroat filter
- Cooper's hawk (6) Apply Cooper's hawk filter
- cougar (2) Apply cougar filter
- Coyote (15) Apply Coyote filter
- Crested wheatgrass (5) Apply Crested wheatgrass filter
- curlycup gumweed (1) Apply curlycup gumweed filter
- cutleaf nightshade (2) Apply cutleaf nightshade filter
- Dark-eyed junco (2) Apply Dark-eyed junco filter
- death camas (1) Apply death camas filter
- Deer Mouse (1) Apply Deer Mouse filter
- douglas fir (3) Apply douglas fir filter
- Downy woodpecker (3) Apply Downy woodpecker filter
- Dusky flycatcher (1) Apply Dusky flycatcher filter
- Dusky grouse (5) Apply Dusky grouse filter
- Eastern Gray Squirrel (2) Apply Eastern Gray Squirrel filter
- Eastern Racer (2) Apply Eastern Racer filter
- Elk (51) Apply Elk filter
- false soloman's-seal (1) Apply false soloman's-seal filter
- Feral Horse (24) Apply Feral Horse filter
- few-flowered shooting star (1) Apply few-flowered shooting star filter
- fireweed (1) Apply fireweed filter
- foothill arnica (1) Apply foothill arnica filter
- Giant horsemint or hyssop (2) Apply Giant horsemint or hyssop filter
- Golden-crowned kinglet (1) Apply Golden-crowned kinglet filter
- Golden eagle (11) Apply Golden eagle filter
- Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel (3) Apply Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel filter
- Grasshopper sparrow (2) Apply Grasshopper sparrow filter
- Gray alder (1) Apply Gray alder filter
- Gray catbird (5) Apply Gray catbird filter
- Gray-crowned rosy finch (1) Apply Gray-crowned rosy finch filter
- Gray partridge (4) Apply Gray partridge filter
- Gray Wolf (7) Apply Gray Wolf filter
- Great blue heron (3) Apply Great blue heron filter
- Great horned owl (4) Apply Great horned owl filter
- hairy milkvetch (1) Apply hairy milkvetch filter
- Hairy woodpecker (2) Apply Hairy woodpecker filter
- heartleaf arnica (1) Apply heartleaf arnica filter
- henbane (2) Apply henbane filter
- Hoary Bat (2) Apply Hoary Bat filter
- Holboell's rockcress (1) Apply Holboell's rockcress filter
- Horned lark (3) Apply Horned lark filter
- houndstongue (3) Apply houndstongue filter
- House wren (3) Apply House wren filter
- Lazuli bunting (5) Apply Lazuli bunting filter
- leafy spurge (8) Apply leafy spurge filter
- Least Chipmunk (2) Apply Least Chipmunk filter
- Least flycatcher (1) Apply Least flycatcher filter
- Lewis's woodpecker (4) Apply Lewis's woodpecker filter
- Little Brown Myotis (1) Apply Little Brown Myotis filter
- lodgepole pine (2) Apply lodgepole pine filter
- Long-billed curlew (8) Apply Long-billed curlew filter
- Long-eared Bat (2) Apply Long-eared Bat filter
- Long-eared owl (10) Apply Long-eared owl filter
- Long-legged Bat (2) Apply Long-legged Bat filter
- Long-tailed Weasel (2) Apply Long-tailed Weasel filter
- low pussytoes (1) Apply low pussytoes filter
- MacGillivray's warbler (3) Apply MacGillivray's warbler filter
- madwort (3) Apply madwort filter
- Mallard (4) Apply Mallard filter
- Meadow Vole (2) Apply Meadow Vole filter
- Merlin (1) Apply Merlin filter
- Midges (1) Apply Midges filter
- mint (1) Apply mint filter
- mock orange (3) Apply mock orange filter
- Montane Vole (2) Apply Montane Vole filter
- Moose (7) Apply Moose filter
- moth mullein (1) Apply moth mullein filter
- Mountain bluebird (6) Apply Mountain bluebird filter
- Mountain chickadee (1) Apply Mountain chickadee filter
- Mountain Cottontail (2) Apply Mountain Cottontail filter
- Mountain Lion (20) Apply Mountain Lion filter
- Mourning dove (2) Apply Mourning dove filter
- Mule Deer (40) Apply Mule Deer filter
- Muskrat (3) Apply Muskrat filter
- narrow-leaved collomia (1) Apply narrow-leaved collomia filter
- Nashville warbler (1) Apply Nashville warbler filter
- ninebark (2) Apply ninebark filter
- North American Porcupine (4) Apply North American Porcupine filter
- Northern flicker (2) Apply Northern flicker filter
- Northern goshawk (2) Apply Northern goshawk filter
- Northern harrier (4) Apply Northern harrier filter
- Northern Pike (1) Apply Northern Pike filter
- Northern Pygmy-owl (2) Apply Northern Pygmy-owl filter
- Northern rough-winged swallow (1) Apply Northern rough-winged swallow filter
- Northern saw-whet owl (3) Apply Northern saw-whet owl filter
- Northern shrike (3) Apply Northern shrike filter
- Northern waterthrush (1) Apply Northern waterthrush filter
- Osprey (4) Apply Osprey filter
- ox-eye daisy (1) Apply ox-eye daisy filter
- Painted Turtle (2) Apply Painted Turtle filter
- pale indian paintbrush (1) Apply pale indian paintbrush filter
- Pileated woodpecker (4) Apply Pileated woodpecker filter
- Pine grosbeak (2) Apply Pine grosbeak filter
- pink owl clover (2) Apply pink owl clover filter
- ponderosa pine (21) Apply ponderosa pine filter
- Prairie falcon (4) Apply Prairie falcon filter
- prairie smoke (5) Apply prairie smoke filter
- prickly currant (1) Apply prickly currant filter
- quaking aspen (11) Apply quaking aspen filter
- Raccoon (2) Apply Raccoon filter
- Red-breasted nuthatch (1) Apply Red-breasted nuthatch filter
- Red crossbill (1) Apply Red crossbill filter
- Red Fox (3) Apply Red Fox filter
- Red-naped sapsucker (3) Apply Red-naped sapsucker filter
- Red Squirrel (3) Apply Red Squirrel filter
- Red-tailed Chipmunk (1) Apply Red-tailed Chipmunk filter
- Red-tailed hawk (11) Apply Red-tailed hawk filter
- Red-winged blackbird (1) Apply Red-winged blackbird filter
- Ring Necked Duck (1) Apply Ring Necked Duck filter
- Ring-necked pheasant (2) Apply Ring-necked pheasant filter
- River Otters (1) Apply River Otters filter
- Rock wren (1) Apply Rock wren filter
- rocky mountain juniper (1) Apply rocky mountain juniper filter
- roses (1) Apply roses filter
- Rough-legged hawk (4) Apply Rough-legged hawk filter
- Rubber Boa (1) Apply Rubber Boa filter
- Ruffed grouse (4) Apply Ruffed grouse filter
- Rufous hummingbird (1) Apply Rufous hummingbird filter
- sandbar willow (2) Apply sandbar willow filter
- Sandhill crane (1) Apply Sandhill crane filter
- Say's phoebe (8) Apply Say's phoebe filter
- scarlet paintbrush (1) Apply scarlet paintbrush filter
- scotch harebell (1) Apply scotch harebell filter
- Serviceberry, Saskatoon (1) Apply Serviceberry, Saskatoon filter
- Short-tailed Weasel (1) Apply Short-tailed Weasel filter
- silky lupine (1) Apply silky lupine filter
- Silver Haired Bat (2) Apply Silver Haired Bat filter
- silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans) (1) Apply silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans) filter
- silvery lupine (2) Apply silvery lupine filter
- slender wild rye (1) Apply slender wild rye filter
- small enchanter's nightshade (1) Apply small enchanter's nightshade filter
- small geranium (1) Apply small geranium filter
- Snow bunting (3) Apply Snow bunting filter
- Snow goose (1) Apply Snow goose filter
- Snowshoe Hare (4) Apply Snowshoe Hare filter
- Song sparrow (2) Apply Song sparrow filter
- spotted knapweed (4) Apply spotted knapweed filter
- Spotted sandpiper (2) Apply Spotted sandpiper filter
- Spotted towhee (4) Apply Spotted towhee filter
- Steller's jay (1) Apply Steller's jay filter
- sticky geranium (3) Apply sticky geranium filter
- Stinkbugs and Shield bugs (1) Apply Stinkbugs and Shield bugs filter
- sulphur cinquefoil (1) Apply sulphur cinquefoil filter
- Swainson's thrush (2) Apply Swainson's thrush filter
- Swallowtail Butterflies (1) Apply Swallowtail Butterflies filter
- Tiger Moths (2) Apply Tiger Moths filter
- Townsend's warbler (1) Apply Townsend's warbler filter
- Tree swallow (2) Apply Tree swallow filter
- tumble mustard (4) Apply tumble mustard filter
- Turkey vulture (1) Apply Turkey vulture filter
- twin arnica (1) Apply twin arnica filter
- Uinta Ground Squirrel (1) Apply Uinta Ground Squirrel filter
- Vesper sparrow (6) Apply Vesper sparrow filter
- virgin's-bower (1) Apply virgin's-bower filter
- Warbling vireo (1) Apply Warbling vireo filter
- Water foxtail (1) Apply Water foxtail filter
- wax currant (1) Apply wax currant filter
- Weevils (3) Apply Weevils filter
- Western bluebird (1) Apply Western bluebird filter
- Western kingbird (1) Apply Western kingbird filter
- western larch (2) Apply western larch filter
- Western long-eared myotis (1) Apply Western long-eared myotis filter
- Western meadowlark (2) Apply Western meadowlark filter
- Western Small-footed Myotis (1) Apply Western Small-footed Myotis filter
- Western tanager (2) Apply Western tanager filter
- Western Toad (1) Apply Western Toad filter
- Western wood pewee (2) Apply Western wood pewee filter
- Westslope Cutthroat Trout (1) Apply Westslope Cutthroat Trout filter
- White-crowned sparrow (1) Apply White-crowned sparrow filter
- White-tailed Deer (27) Apply White-tailed Deer filter
- white willow (3) Apply white willow filter
- Wild turkey (8) Apply Wild turkey filter
- Willow flycatcher (1) Apply Willow flycatcher filter
- Wilson's snipe (2) Apply Wilson's snipe filter
- Wolf (2) Apply Wolf filter
- Wolverine (1) Apply Wolverine filter
- wood's rose (1) Apply wood's rose filter
- Wood duck (2) Apply Wood duck filter
- Wyoming Ground Squirrel (1) Apply Wyoming Ground Squirrel filter
- yellow bell (2) Apply yellow bell filter
- Yellow-bellied Marmot (3) Apply Yellow-bellied Marmot filter
- Yellow-pine Chipmunk (2) Apply Yellow-pine Chipmunk filter
- Yellow warbler (3) Apply Yellow warbler filter
- yellowmonkeyflower (2) Apply yellowmonkeyflower filter
- Yuma Mytosis (1) Apply Yuma Mytosis filter