Milkweed, porcupine, willows, coyote, buck and rail fences, new foal

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Milkweed, porcupine, willows, coyote, buck and rail fences, new foal

April 18, 2024
We continue to dig milkweed roots from landscape beds and transplant them into bare sites along roadsides. Over the last decade, we’ve successfully established hundreds of new milkweed patches. Western monarchs are sure to take notice this summer... The Experiment Garden has produced dozens of successful studies over the last decade. Those experiments have come and gone and now it’s time to refresh large areas of decaying weed cloth, escaped weeds, and bare soil. The sturdy fence protecting the site will serve mixed uses in the future where we plan to propagate woody species, plant an orchard, produce native seed, and continue field studies... We added 300 willow cuttings to a sandy bank on the edge of the Clubhouse Pond (red polygon). Willows produce adventitious (roots from stem tissue) roots that quickly reach sub-irrigated soil. This willow stand will stabilize the bank and provide food and cover for a variety of wildlife species...

CLICK HERE FOR FULL PDF: 2024-04-15_JC_coyote_foal_wild_rye_porcupine_field_note.pdf